Saturday, September 4, 2010

First day @ college

ma first day in college... or first day outta college.. Me and my friend decide to visit a new mall... waiting for a bus..
heard a voice calling me... "first year student right? pay this bill" I was like ... who the fuck is this bastard n why the fuck should I pay his bill at a coffee shop... before I asked... the ass faced said "senior"... I slid my hands quickly into my pockets.. [perverts!!].. I picked up my mobile... "My elder brother is studying here too..Il call him.. I bet he'll pay ur bill" .. I was free n my friend was invited to pay that bill... he gave me one disgusting look!!! The first day sucked big time.. thanx to the few years.. gave me loads ov friends.. best part is I know I have one follower who is gonna read this... and saravnan.. machi... ur a product of the disgusting college :)cheers mate !

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